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Company Information


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    Security Question


    • Please enter details of 1 of your last 3 transactions
    • Date Selection
    • Rs
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    Email Address


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    E-Services Registration


    • I opt to register for the following services:
    • Please tick as appropriate.

    • Alert Service keeps you informed of your daily balance, transactions above MUR 1,000 and other events related to your MauBank account/s.

      E-Statement  allows you to receive your periodic MauBank account/s statement by email on a monthly basis.

    • 1. The above email address should be the same as the one in the email indemnity the bank holds for your company, unless you want to change.

      2. The above email address provided shall henceforth be used by officers of MauBank Ltd (“Bank”) to communicate with you. However, the onus to provide any update of your contact details when same is changed rests with you and neither the Bank nor its officers shall be held liable if your updated details have not been communicated to the Bank.

      3. If any of the updated information provided requires confirmation at your end, a customer service agent of the Bank will contact you.

    • The above mobile number and email address shall henceforth be used by MauBank Ltd to communicate with you. Please ensure that you update your contact details with the bank as and when same is changed. If any of the information provided requires confirmation, a customer service agent will contact you.

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